Sunday, January 10, 2016

What's Your Vision for 2016?

Blog article image: "What's Your Vision for 2016?" by MaryAnn Loo
"Life is a journey that gives you the liberty to draw your own map, and choose your own route."
- Dennis E. Adonis (Educational Author, Novelist, and Musician)

11 days into the new year, and I finally got round to creating my Vision Map for 2016.(Better late than never I guess…)

You might be wondering — what’s a Vision Map? Basically it’s a visual guide that you put together such that you have an idea of where you’re headed, whether it’s your life as a whole, or for your career or your business, or even just for this year. When you're traveling, in order to know how to get to your destination, you need to consult a map. The more detailed and clearer the map, the more effective it is in getting you to your destination efficiently. In the journey of life, whether you're creating your own map or following a standardised one, both gets you to a certain endpoint and neither is right or wrong or “better” than the other. However, I’d rather chart out my own course, and should you wish to create your own Vision Map, you can check out my blog article “7 Steps to Creating Your Vision Map”.

So I went though these 7 steps, and here’s my Vision Map, summed up with my vision statement for the year: “Making My Art Work with Love, Possibilities and Gratitude.”

Big Vision 2016 PenguinGirl Art  Artist: MaryAnn Loo Singapore
My Vision Map for 2016.

2015 has been a year of uncovering difficult truths about myself, and how I’ve failed time and again to love the most important person in my world — myself. It has been painfully amusing to see certain patterns repeat themselves and how I keep making the same mistakes, but I’ve learned a few important lessons along the way. Firstly, I’ve started to accept the high probability that I will repeat those mistakes a few more times until I actually learn my lesson. Secondly, when I think I’ve learned my lesson, I should never assume that I’ve actually learned it. And thirdly but most importantly, that I have to do whatever it takes to remind myself of the bigger picture, the higher path, and the greater self that I’m fighting the good fight for. So that’s where creating my Vision Map comes in - as a tool to keep me on my intended path, because based on past circumstances, I already anticipate many wrong turns and side-journeys to come. In the words of bestselling author and speaker Dr. Steve Maraboli: “A wrong turn doesn’t end the journey. If you feel lost, just look at your map and get back on the road. The map will always lead you in the right direction."

My direction for 2016: "Making My Art Work with Love, Possibilities and Gratitude."

In a nutshell, this statement is a reminder of my fundamental responsibility as an artist — not only to make art, but to make art that resonates with me, art that I love. One of my core values is Love, and I intend to bring out my love this year as much as I can. During the final months of 2015, self-love was a recurring theme in my life, and it is going to be the one in the foreground for 2016. Possibilities refers to my belief that dreams can come true, that penguins can live in the clouds and fly across the sky. And finally, Gratitude caught me by surprise, but for various reasons, I believe it’s going to be a recurring lesson for me this year. More on that for a later time.

So there you have it, my vision for 2016.

What’s your vision for your 2016? What would you like to create?
How will you grow this year? And what do you need to let go of in the process?

Create your own Vision Map using these 7 steps, and share it with your friends when you’re done!

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