Monday, October 6, 2014

A Penguin Adventure

A picture story created by myself during Singapore 24-Hour Comics Day 2014.
These 24 panels were painted over 24 hours from October 4 - 5 as a personal challenge to myself to create 24 paintings in 24 hours. 

Here is the story:

This is a story of adventure, and specifically about these two penguins who love adventure.

Besides playing in the snow, they also love sailing their raft and visiting new lands.

After they have visited all the lands around them, one penguin says to the other that it's time for them to explore the worlds in the sky.
As penguins can't fly, they use their intention, their love, courage and their passion for adventure to propel their balloon into the sky.

When they arrive in the land of the clouds, they find an empty sandcastle and make it their new home.
Over time their love for each other grows, just like the love tree they planted behind their castle.
The penguins spend their days enjoying the stillness in the sky, knowing that they have gone further than any other penguin ever had. They spend their time reading and playing music in their tree swing...
... and when their love tree starts to snow, they build snow penguins and play like their did when they lived in the land below.
And they write songs inspired by the sunsets they experienced, and sing their duets over and over and over again. Living in the land of the clouds, life is simply too beautiful for words sometimes.
Then one night, as they prepare to fall asleep under the stars, the moon rises and on this night, it sings a most mysterious tune. Entranced, one penguin wonders what it's like to explore the world beyond the sky.
So the adventure seekers build a sky ship, and set sail into the world beyond the sky that they've come to know and love.
Armed again with their intentions, their love, courage and passion for adventure, the penguins set sail towards the moon, and watch as it becomes bigger and bigger as they get closer and closer....
... and their sky ship turns into a spaceship!
The penguins soon land on the moon, and discover that from the moon, there are far more stars and galaxies than they can ever possibly imagine when they live among the clouds.
And so they set off into stars, into infinite space and time, into infinite freedom and they awaken to see that truly all things are possible.

Now able to fly, the adventure seekers return to the world of the sky, and the lighthouse guides them back to their sandcastle.
Sitting outside their sandcastle under their love tree which lights up at night, they ponder the adventures they've experienced, and their learnings about themselves and about the world and its infinite possibilities and space.

They realize it's time to return to the land below, but first they need to create more love and courage for this next part of their adventure.
Carrying the love, courage, dreams and passion for adventure they have created, one penguin returns to the land below and shares all of their discoveries with the other penguins. Some of these penguins have had their own adventures around the land, while others have been too afraid to leave the safety of their home.
Although they are afraid of the unknown, some of the penguins below are curious about what the adventure seeker is offering, and they accept the invitation to rise up into the land of the clouds.
Some are a little lost and unsure why they are doing this, but still rise up to the sky anyway.
When they arrive at the sandcastle, they are greeted by the other adventure seeker who is waiting to welcome them into their new life.
And they all get on board the sky ship, and sail off to explore the world of the sky, the moon, and the infinite possibilities of the galaxy beyond.
And this is how the penguins discover themselves and their ability to fly.

The End. (for now...)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

"I'm NOT a Photographer": 7 Things I Learned from My First Photo Walk with 70 Other Photographers:

I'm not a photographer. At least that's what I tell myself, and what I started telling some of the first few people I met on my very first photowalk yesterday. I'm an artist, yes. I'm creative, yes. I've been an actress, a set dresser, a singer, a songwriter, a musician, a poet, a writer. But I'm no photographer.

In the process of my self-discovery project that will culminate in my second solo art show in October, I started to hear myself whenever I turn something down and label it as "Not Me". I began to question, how do I know what's "not me" until I really test it out to prove that it's "not me"? And what's with all these labels anyway? I get that we use these labels, such as our occupation, our hobbies and interests, our position in our family, descriptive words as qualifiers of our identity... but how many of these labels do we need to accumulate until we find who we are? And in the larger scheme of things, do any of these labels even really matter?

So I set out to challenge one of my labels, to step outside of my comfort zone of sketchwalks and drawing events and explore another realm of art I once refused to be a part of, simply because "I'm not a photographer."

1. The only person who's really judging you.. is yourself. 

I learned this very early on in the session. You see, out of the group of 70-80 photographers who showed up, the only person who DIDN'T have a large black Canon, Nikon or Pentel was.. ME. Every single person had their professional DSLRs, and a couple of SLRs slung around their necks or hanging off their shoulder, and backpacks with tripods stuffed into them. Me? All I had was a little Canon S110, a hand-me-down from my Mom which fits nicely in the palm of my hand, and my Samsung Galaxy S4, which I had only started using 2 days earlier. I felt SO extremely out of place, like how I felt when I first walked out of the airplane into the Nashville International Airport 6 years ago. I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb, and that everyone was looking at me and thinking: "What is this girl doing here? How come she's here when she's clearly not a photographer? Does she even know how to take pictures?"

 First group photo of the day.

I suppose it didn't help when the first person I tried to talk to (by asking if this was the photowalk group) took one look at my little silver digicam, and he was rather unfriendly, and didn't seem to want to talk to me anymore after telling me I was at the right place. After that I was really worried that no one else would want to hang around me, and maybe I should just leave. It got a little better when I met the organizer, Wilson, and I started talking to another guy, but I still couldn't shake off the self-consciousness that plagued my thoughts and I felt so embarrassed when I took photos with the little Canon. I started to tell people, "I'm not a photographer." or "I feel like a black sheep in this group with my digicam", etc. and then after the 3rd or 4th person I said that to, it suddenly occurred to me that none of them cared about that (except maybe the first guy, who I'm still hating on.. grr...).

Really, the only person who was judging me for standing out like a sore thumb or a black sheep, for not belonging to this group or this event... that person was ME. The truth was, no one else cared if I'm there or not. Everyone is so caught up in their passion for photography, in capturing their own shots that it didn't matter what I was using to take my photos. I guess if I was sketching I would probably get more attention, but the reality was, no one cares if I'm there, let alone if I belong there or not.

Funny thing is, I realize how EVERY TIME I try to join a new group or an event of strangers, I judge myself like this each and every time. Believing that no one wanted me there because I didn't belong. OMG what a delusion!

My first Instagram shot of the photo walk. I absolutely love this photo. 
Coming soon as a painting!

2) People are a lot friendlier than they seem at first, and most times, they are just as scared to talk to you as you are of them.

I'm terrified of initiating contact with a stranger, because you never know how they will respond to you. And after my attempt to talk to the first guy and he shut me down, I was even more shaken. But I managed to gather my wits, and tried again, and I realized that actually people are friendlier than they look. And the only way to find out is to take a chance and talk to them.

3) The fastest way to get people to open up is to ask them about their interests.

In a photography group, it’s pretty obvious. So I'd ask them, “How did you get started into photography?" or "Are you a professional photographer?" And before you know it, they’ll tell you the most interesting stories you never expected, and it gives you a window into their lives. One guy got into photography because everywhere he went with his girlfriend, she would want to have her picture taken with literally everything around her.

4) You can learn a lot from opening up to people and listening to their stories.

A professional photographer taught me how to use the reflective surface of the table to capture an interesting shot.

From a Polish photographer, I learned that in his experience, Singapore is one of the best places to photograph birds because they aren't afraid of people, like literally you can walk down the street and in the tree along the roadside he has found birds' nests with baby birds in them. AND if you're looking to photograph night wildlife, Vermont Cemetery is a great place for seeing owls and civet cats.

5) Be prepared to be a subject in others’ photography.

It’s a photo walk, and you’re a person, and if there are photographers who like to shoot people in a natural state, don’t be surprised if you see someone’s camera pointing in your direction. Also, be prepared to take a few group photos along the way.

 After I snapped this alley along Ann Siang Rd and I walked off, someone else snapped this:

6) You’ll never know what you’re capable of until you do something out of your comfort zone.

Before yesterday, I didn't see myself as a photographer. Now I realize that even the word itself can mean so many things. Sure, I may not be a professional photographer with one of those bulky cameras, but I'm an artist, and the camera is simply another medium for creative expression. And nowadays with so many tools and apps, you can always use a filter on your photos to make them look closer to what your vision was. I ended up actually taking more photos on my Samsung and using Instagram filters to turn them into something really cool.

 By using my Instagram square cropper and a filter, I got this cool sky shot, from the photo below.

7) Keep on trying.

Like all things in life, if at first you don't succeed, or you're absolutely clueless about what to do, or you don't seem to get the results that you want. Just keep on trying. Try something different. Try a new angle of looking at things. Try another method to get the result you want. And if things still don't work, put a pause on them and move on, and come back another time.

Here are more of my favorite photos from this walk:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Self-Discovery and Growth: A prelude to my second solo exhibition.

Paintings in progress for my second solo exhibition, 2014.

A little over a week ago, I decided it was time to have my second solo exhibition. To be honest, I've been putting this off for months out of FEAR - fear that nobody would come to my second solo show or buy my art. You see, there's something you may or may not know about me - I tend to believe in general that I'm not good enough to deserve success or things going well in my life. So I'm worried of finding out that I have no real artistic talent, and that my first solo show was a success only because it was the first and most of my friends/family hadn't expected me to go down the artist's path. In other words, it was simply beginner's luck and I'm simply not meant to be an artist. YIKES! (This is normally where I go and watch TV and escape into lala land...)

I recently posted on Facebook about asking a stranger out for coffee, which is by far my most popular post to date. (Quick update: No follow up, I kinda got busy and forgot about him haha). The thing that gave me that extra push to just go talk to him and ask him out was this:

I asked myself:

How long more do you want to wait before you do what you really want to do? How much time do you think you have left?

And if you don't do this now, then when?

This second solo show is something I eventually have to face anyway, since I've committed to walk the artist's path. And if I don't do it now, how long more do I want to wait? How will everything else I have intended for my artist career in the next 5 years happen if I keep avoiding this one thing?

So armed with my paintbrushes, canvas, imagination, and a whole lot of impulse and guts, I jumped on the opportunity that my friend and life coach Carina presented - to coach me on a 4-week long project that would lead to the creation of this long awaited second solo show. From our first coaching session in at 1a.m. on August 26 (yes, she is a very dedicated coach!), I uncovered what this project is going to be about... "The Adventure of Finding Who I Am".

A few months or maybe even a year ago, another friend and life coach Kunqi posted this on her Facebook wall:

"What if I told you, in order to find out who you are, you have to find out who you are not and try to be a lot of different things including who you are not to find out who you are. And in the process, you'll find that you don't mind being who you are not and it really doesn't matter who you are. Question is, do you know where you wanna go?"

 I copied and pasted it on a virtual sticky note on my Macbook, and it's still there to this day:

So I've spent nearly 3 decades of my life following what I think my parents expect of me, and how I perceive others would want me to behave, etc. Simply because I have a deep fear of rejection, and so I choose to play it safe, to hide in the background, to remain on the fringes instead of really throwing myself into the life I want and embracing all that it has to offer. But how much is there that life has to offer? The only way to know is to jump in and find out. And "in order to find out who you are, you have to find out who you are not and try to be a lot of different things".

If you don't do this now, then when?

I must admit the first week went pretty horribly. You know how when you decide to really go after something, your defenses kick in and you start making all kinds of excuses not to do it? Like when you see a cute stranger and you start imagining what it'd be like to hang out with him, and you think maybe you should go talk to him, but then what if he doesn't like me, what if he already has a girlfriend, what if he thinks I'm crazy... etc. etc. etc. But thanks to my second session with Carina, I managed to sort through these excuses and put them aside. I have twice as much to do in this second week to catch up, but I know I can make it happen. (After all, I've done it before in January 2013 when preparing for my first solo exhibition. I really have no excuse for not being able to pull it off another time...)

So the tree has been appearing in my work lately, even in my current art campaign to make art-buying more accessible to the general public: "100 Artworks below $100". (If you would like to get original art by an emerging artist at insanely affordable prices, join here). The tree is a symbol for growth, for strength and endurance, for something that takes root deeply within oneself, and evolves into something greater. A journey of self-discovery is also a journey of growth. I'm excited to see how this body of work evolves over the next few weeks.

The dates aren't set yet, the venue isn't confirmed, and I don't know how the art is going to turn out, or where I'm going to get the money to fund this next show... and these sure are enough excuses to quit and put this show off again for the next few months. But if I don't do this now, then when?

I invite you now to really take an honest look at your life.

What is one thing that you've always wanted to do, but for whatever reasons, you keep putting it off? How long more do you want to wait?

If you don't do this now, then when?

Your life is waiting. Jump in.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

ring ring... ring... "hello?"

"Hello neighbor" (2014), acrylic and mixed media on canvas
2 panels, each 6 x 6 in.

Here is another one of my paintings from my "telephone" series. I don't really know what to call this series yet, but I do know that it's an exploration of connection, communication and relationships. If you like these, connect with me on Facebook to stay up to date on my latest works.

Anyways, I can still remember my primary school days long before cellphones where I'd spend hours chatting on the phone with my friends. Although I saw them nearly everyday, it was a different experience to chat with them on the phone, mostly because it was a one-to-one conversation and none of our other friends were around. We could talk about the things that only matter to the two of us, exchange opinions and thoughts freely, and sometimes gossip about our other friends (Ok I admit, we mostly gossiped about our other friends and teachers. We were kids, don't judge.. and you know you still do it even as an adult!). As primary school kids whose lives were mostly school, homework, extra activities that parents sign you up for (like piano lessons), and family time, these carefree phone conversations were precious moments of like-minded connection that today are few and far between.

So who were these friends of yours? Are you still in touch with them? Have you grown closer over the years (decades for some!) or become mere acquaintances? Who are your close friends now? How are you connecting with them?

Pick up the phone and call someone just to chat for a bit!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

8 steps to light up the world by brightening someone's day.

"Love Sparks" (2014), acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 8 x 8 in.

Let us light up the sky with sparks of love! Let us light up the world with love!

Here is PenguinGirl with 8 ways to brighten up someone's day:

1. Smile :D

 (This is as good a smile as PenguinGirl can muster for now. She's usually looking too confused to smile.)

2. Greet everyone you see.

Greeting people makes them feel noticed and acknowledged and accepted. Although in some places you may just be perceived as weird.

3. Look out for those who need a little random act of kindness.

 Take a break from your phone screen and really look around you once in a while. You'll never know if you could just brighten someone's day with a bit of kindness.

4.  Compliment others.

People like it when things about them are noticed. (PenguinGirl loves to be complimented on her Penguin hat.)

5. Help others see the brighter side of things.

Life can be a drag sometimes and we lose sight of the light in our lives. Be the light in someone else's life so they can find their light again.

6.  Be random with your friends.

Randomly tell them you love them. Make something for them. Hug them out of the blue.

 7. Remember the homeless.

Buy them a hot cup of coffee and a simple meal. Give them your old blankets or coats. You'll never know how a good deed can go a long way and someday come right back to you.

8. Volunteer.

Anything for a good cause! And it's a great way to meet some awesome people too :)

Share this and brighten up someone's day!

For more PenguinGirl, go to and LIKE her page!